Wednesday, October 08, 2014

My Heart is Bleeding...

  • Paperback cover: 233 pages
  • Publisher: Avon Books in the U.S., Bantam in the U.K.
  • Language: English
  • ISBN : 0-380-71918-5
  • Genre: Biography/Memoirs/Non-fiction
  • Days spent reading: 2

Sultana is a Saudi Arabian princess, a woman born to fabulous, uncountable wealth. She has four mansions on three continents, her own private jet, glittering jewels, designer dresses galore. But in reality she lives in a gilded cage. She has no freedom, no control over her own life, no value but as a bearer of sons. Hidden behind her black floor-length veil, she is a prisoner, jailed by her father, her husband, her sons, and her country. Sultana is a member of the Saudi royal family, closely related to the king. 

For the sake of her daughters, she has decided to take the risk of speaking out about the life of women in her country, regardless of their rank. She must hide her identity for fear that the religious leaders in her country would call for her death to punish her honesty. Only a woman in her position could possibly hope to escape from being revealed and punished, despite her cloak and anonymity.Sultana tells of her own life, from her turbulent childhood to her arranged marriage--a happy one until her husband decided to displace her by taking a second wife--and of the lives of her sisters, her friends and her servants... - source: Barnes and Noble

It's so hard to read this book without feeling the pain of each women in the stories. It seems that I could literally feel their pain, hear their cries and suffer the injustice they couldn't voice out.

After reading this book, anyone could tell how mankind distorted the will of God by putting themselves and their unguided evil passion above the will of God. It's sickening to know how men's wickedness, disguised as the will of God, abuse the power and authority given to him and use it to oppress women or others whom they deem inferior.

I personally believe that it is NOT God's will nor will He approved, regardless of any person's religion, that women be subjected to such maltreatment, abuse and violence. We are all created equal for God is no respecter of a person's status or wealth. We are all sinner sin need of grace in the eyes of God. 

So Peter opened his mouth and said: “Truly I understand that God shows no partiality,~Acts 10:34, ESV
For God does not show favoritism.~ Romans 2:11, NIV 

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